30th October 2013
EBLEX would like to invite you to an afternoon of CPD on liver fluke issues insheep and cattle. This CPD has been put together by the Sheep VeterinarySociety (SVS) and the British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) with inputfrom SCOPS, COWS, Moredun Research Institute and the National Sheep Association(NSA) as well as representatives of the Universities of Edinburgh, Liverpooland Nottingham. The sessions have been developed by a group of leading liverfluke researchers and practising SVS and BCVA vets who met at an expertworkshop, supported by Elanco, Novartis and Norbrook. Please see the programmeoverleaf.
Liver fluke costs the beef and sheep industry millions of pounds each year dueto poor performance and increased mortality on farm as well as livercondemnations in the abattoir. Farmers are all too aware that liver flukeissues have dramatically increased in recent years. Access to appropriateveterinary advice with correct diagnosis for control on farm is of the upmostimportance.
Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the ability to engage withyour farmer clients via the proactive delivery of appropriate advice on liverfluke control.
The following dates are available:
25th November 2013, 2:30-8pm Leahurst House, University of Liverpool
28th November 2013, 2:30-8pm Sutton Bonington Campus, University of Nottingham
2nd December 2013, 2:30-8pm AHVLA, Penrith
4th December 2013, 2:30-8pm The Lamb Inn, Crediton, Devon
5th December 2013, 2:30-8pm The Sheep Centre, NSA, Malvern
11th December 2013 2:30-8pm University of Surrey, Guildford