18th July 2023
Sheep farmers in England accessing funding for the Annual Health and Welfare Review under the Defra Animal Helath & Welfare Pathway are to complete a Worming Treatment Check. This is two faecal egg counts (FEC), before and after lambs have been dosed, to check the effectiveness of the treatment. Defra has approved three labs to process the FECs and return results to the farmer and vet, all of which send a kit to the farmer to use.
Kevin Harrison, Gloucestershire-based sheep farmer and SCOPS Chair, has created these handy videos to explain the kits.
Kevin Harrison, SCOPS Chair, looks at the kits provided by the three labs offering Worming Treatment Checks under the Defra Health & Welfare Pathway. (Recorded July 2023)
Kevin Harrison, SCOPS Chair, looks at how to get hold of a Worming Treatment Check, downloading the guidance and using the three different types of kit available through the Defra Health & Welfare Pathway. (Recorded July 2023)
Kevin Harrison, SCOPS Chair, walks us through doing a Worming Treatment Check on his farm in Gloucestershire, as part of the Defra Health & Welfare Pathway. (Recorded September 2023)
Kevin Harrison, SCOPS Chair, and his vet, Phillipa Page, discuss the results of the Worming Treatment Check carried out on Kevin's farm in Gloucestershire, as part of the Defra Health & Welfare Pathway. (Recorded September 2023)